Occupational Therapy
Occupational therapy is designed to help patients with temporary or permanent loss of function regain independence and quality of life. Occupational therapists specialize in caring for people with physical, developmental or emotional challenges by helping them improve their ability to perform daily activities, as well as recommend ways for patients to adapt their environment to enhance independence. Therapists assist patients with everything from eating, bathing and dressing to using a computer, getting in and out of the car, or running errands.
At AllianceHealth Oklahoma, our occupational therapists work closely with patients and family members in developing a care plan to ensure each patient's unique needs are being met, and that caregivers are well prepared to support patients in their recovery. Therapists also work with community organizations and outreach programs to help coordinate appropriate care plans whenever necessary.
AllianceHealth Oklahoma offers a superb team of therapists whose expertise is in work related injuries, treatment, and prevention. Our qualified therapists will conduct jobsite analyses, develop pre-work screenings, and complete functional capacity evaluations. The ergonomic education, body mechanic training, and instruction of job specific stretching programs are major goals. We lessen the risk by foreseeing injuries before they occur.