Pastoral Care
Chaplain Services
An on-call chaplain is available to minister to people of all faiths, families and co-workers that are facing a time of crisis, concern or challenge. Please contact a floor nurse or the hospital operator to schedule a chaplain visit. Your own priest, pastor or rabbi is always welcome to visit you as well.
Chaplain Volunteer Opportunities
A hospital is a place of hope and healing, but sometimes we face uncertainty, loss or loneliness. A listening ear can become a source of comfort and support. Chaplain Services offers various volunteer ministry opportunities to individuals that are active with local faith groups. If interested in seeing “the power of presence” at work through your personal ministry, please call 610-8684. Customized volunteer ministry orientation and training will be provided once a completed application is approved.
A chapel is located off the main entrance lobby and is available 24 hours a day, providing a quiet place for prayer, meditation and reflection. A confidential Prayer Request box is available to place requests that are prayed for routinely by Chaplain Services.
Rather than journeying through a concern, burden or need alone, we would be honored to lift your prayer request to God in prayer. All prayer requests are confidential. Our chaplains are not licensed counselors but rather "intercessors." Feel free to use an anonymous name or no name at all. Oswald Chambers said, "We have to pray with our eyes on God, not on the difficulties.”
Prayer Request Form