Your Stay
No one looks forward to a hospital stay, but at AllianceHealth Woodward, we work hard to make sure your visit is as pleasant as possible. Here's a few things you should know about your room and our hospital in general that can help make your time with us restful and healing.
AllianceHealth Woodward offers both private and semi-private rooms depending on patient's medical needs and room availability.
For more information about room amenities, please call our Patient Information desk at (580) 256-5511.
Smoking: For our patients, visitors and staff, we are a smoke free hospital. This includes all electronic smoking devices such as e-cigarettes and vapors. You can request a nicotine replacement alternative from your physician.
Meals: In-room meal service is provided daily for patients and menus are based on prescribed diet recommendations and restrictions. For more information about in-room meal service, please call Food & Nutrition Services at (580) 254-8441.
Plan early to reduce your chances of being readmitted and increase your chances for a health recovery.
To begin, ask your nurse to have your discharge planner contact you to review the following:
- your discharge plan
- your complete medicine list and instructions
- your upcoming appointments
- what to do if you don't feel well
Your discharge planner will help you with the resources needed to have a successful transition to home.